Live Recording #2

Live music recording


In december 2010 we gathered Morten Bruun and Tue Ebert and their friends in an a abandonded pool hall in the south western part of Copenhagen.
With a multicamera setup we shot their performances. The clip above is one of the songs taken from a 20 min music film
Watch the whole film here

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Nomads On Tour

Live perfomance recording

The Nomads concists of some of the greatest jazz musicians. At a concert on Vega, Copenhagen, we ran around the stage and among the audience to capture the energy of this brillant musical setup.

In the video above you can see a teaser of the concert.

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Music Video for Andi Müller

I find it quite hard thinking in naratives in electronic music. It usely strikes me more as a state of mind than a story. In this case i just had an idea of this guy running in his own thoughts.

I cut up a lot of old footage and made it in to a stream of consciousness, to project in the streets as the thoughts of Andi Müller running in the dark. It’s shot from a bicycle cab containing me. a camera, a projector mounted to the camera, a laptop to feed the project and a generator to power it all. It was har not to attract attention.

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Pecha Kucha

Live presentations, 20×20 sec

I’ve made 36 videos for Pecha Kucha Copenhagen. Pecha Kucha is a brillant presentation format from Japan – meaning Small Talk in japanese. Each presenter presents 20 projects with 20 sec per project. Lots of creative people used the 20×20 sec to tell about finished work or processes. The time limit was perfect to make people cut to the chase and after an evening with various presenters you left the event inspired and curious.

See more videos at the Pecha Kucha CPH  Vimeo channel



Camera and Editor – Kristian Foldager

Additional Camera – Anders Nettli, Elisabeth Holager Lund

Intro/Outro Video – Christian Sønderby Jepsen
